Cash Forecasting

Enhance profitability by more accurately managing the currency supply chain

Accurately forecast currency demand for all cash point types, reducing currency levels 20-40% while ensuring currency availability

Benefits at a glance:

Eliminate excess currency inventories
Increases capital availability for investment
Reduce expensive emergency deliveries
Optimize transportation scheduling
Ensure adherence to corporate policies
Reduce cost of cross-shipping penalties

Overview of Cash Forecasting

For financial institutions, providing an adequate supply of currency to meet customer needs is a continual challenge. Running out of cash at an ATM or other location means reduced revenue from lost surcharge fees and increased expenses due to emergency currency deliveries. But overstocking currency means banks can’t invest this non-earning asset to generate interest income. 

Our Cash forecasting and optimization solution enables you to anticipate the needs of traditional currency points such as ATMs, branches and vaults as well as self-service devices such as in-branch currency dispensing units and remote cash capture machines. In addition, it allows you to optimize your entire currency supply chain, which can result in currency inventory reductions of 20 to 40 percent.

Integrated Currency Manager

Integrated Currency Manager is a robust, web-based solution designed to support any organization responsible for supplying, managing and transporting currency across multiple cash points and locations. Combining comprehensive forecasting functionality with historical utilization trends and known local events, Integrated Currency Manager allows your organization to easily manage your enterprise currency requirements.
Whether you have tens or thousands of cash points in your supply chain such as ATMs, branches, stores, vaults, self-service currency devices or third-party currency storage facilities, Integrated Currency Manager provides the intelligence you need to forecast currency across town or across the globe. Deployment of Integrated Currency Manager is flexible and cost effective. Secure access can be offered to any number of authorized personnel and third-party vendors without expanding your current network or legacy systems.

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