Thank you for taking part in the 2020 moData Survey. If you do not like any of the options available then please just press SKIP and move forward. There is also a “comments” field available should you feel you want to add a little more. Please click Next to continue.
First of all, what is your main priority area of focus for the next 18 months - to the middle of 2021?
What initiatives are a priority for your organization for 2020? ( up to 3)
What do you and or your organisation aim at improving the most over the next 18 months?
What do you see as your biggest challenge for you and your colleagues in the next 18 months - to the middle of 2021? ( up to 2)
The following recent industry wide developments have impacted your programmes the most? ( up to 2)
Do you feel that Regulators both internationally and in your country are doing enough about Financial Crime and also giving you the correct guidance?
Despite all the new regulations in the past decade and all the investments that banks have made to comply with these regulations, Financial Crime remains roughly at about the same level world-wide. In the next 18 months or so (till the middle of 2021) what is the level of investment to combat financial crime you are expecting to make - please DO NOT give any actual numbers
On the same note – given that Financial Crime remains roughly at the same level do you feel that Technology, innovation in your Financial Crime Management Programme is of is a strategic priority for you / strongly supported by senior management?
Regulators and some regulations can vary from country to country - how do you regard your organisations relationships with your regulators?
Cyber Attacks continue to grow - what do you consider to be the greatest risk to your organisation in the event of a successful Cyber Attack / Payment Fraud?
This one may be a bit sensitive so we will understand if you decide to skip answering this statement - but do you think your organisation is on top of things and is ready to meet both existing and new regulations as well as combating cyber attacks and preventing financial crime?
Sometimes people on the ground see things differently from people in the boardroom, so that we can segment the responses better for you - what is your role within your organisation?
So we can also give you a regional break down we would like to know which part of Africa you personally operate from?
And finally we need to know a couple of details about yourself so that we can send you the results of the survey - none of your details will be shared with anyone and if you prefer you can of course skip these as well but then we will not know where to send the results to
Time's up